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March 22nd, 2016

March 22, 2016
Mehdi Kohanbani
Dave Kesick
Muthu Arigovindan
Jason Hall
Judson Weinsheimer
Kathy Simonovich, SFMC, Inc.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Kohanbani.
Owner Pimienta reported that the pet waste station on Grand Central Square was full and needs
to be emptied on a more frequent basis.
Owner Weinsheimer requested that the Association be notified prior to the street sweeping so
residents can be notified. The sand in the pool parking lot needs to be removed. Inquired on the
status of a yard sale and community events. Requested that the website be updated to make the
parking rules and regulations clearer.
Owner Kohanbani discussed the parking in the pool parking lot and concerns with usage during
Clubhouse rentals.
A motion by Kohanbani to approve the February 2, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes as
presented was seconded by Weinsheimer and carried unanimously.
A motion by Hall to approve the February 15, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes as
presented was seconded by Kesick and carried unanimously.
Architectural Review
General discussion on solar panels and retractable awnings.
Shared Facilities
Kohanbani to follow-up on the 2016 community events prior to the pool package being mailed.
The pool package was reviewed and approved with one minor change.
Communications Committee
The website will be updated to make the parking rules and regulations clearer.FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
Status of Operations – February 29, 2016
As of February 29, 2016 the Association has an un-audited deficit of $56,435. Association
investments total $1,441,380. Accounts Receivables total $15,953.
Grounds Maintenance
Management reported that Genesis has completed mulch and mowing will begin in April.
A motion by Weinsheimer to approve Genesis Landscapes proposal in the amount of $2,440.00
to clean trash throughout the common ground woods edge. The motion was seconded by
Kohanbani and carried unanimously.
A motion by Kesick to approve the 2017-2021 Contract Renewal with Genesis Landscapes with
a 5% increase from the 2016 agreement cost and the fee will be held at that amount for 5 years.
Additionally, add the winter trash cleanup throughout the common ground woods edge as part of
the agreement. The motion was seconded by Weinsheimer and carried unanimously.
A motion by Weinsheimer to approve the proposed landscape enhancement project (Magnolia
Street Scape at Baggett) at an estimated total of $13,150.00 was seconded by Hall and carried
A motion by Weinsheimer to approve the proposed landscape enhancement project (Magnolia
and Box Car) at an estimated total of $5,850.00 was seconded by Arigovindan and carried
The Board of Directors tabled the project at Grand Central open space however requested pricing
on the 6 Arborvitae.
Kate Davidson will be completing the individual property master plan by March 25 th .
Pool Management
Premier Aquatics provided information from the fall on pool repairs. Once the pool covers are
removed Management will meet with the contractor to review the repairs needed. Additionally,
Premier to provide a cost to replace the rubberized finish on the main pool beach entry with tiles.
Electrical Repairs
Discussion on the replacement of the existing fixtures around the pool deck. Weinsheimer to
research additional options and provide to the Board via email.General Maintenance
SFMC will begin the maintenance inspection on March 28 th , weather permitting. SFMC sent
postcards to the membership announcing the inspection.
Tyco Simplex Grinnell will be performing the annual sprinkler test and inspection at the
Clubhouse in May.
HVAC Unlimited completed the spring inspection on the HVAC system and found everything in
good working order.
Omega fire inspection completed the annual fire extinguisher inspection.
• A motion by Kesick to deny Owner Khan for reimbursement of towing charges. The
motion was seconded by Arigovindan and carried unanimously.
• A motion by Kesick to deny Owner Ternovski for reimbursement of towing charges. The
motion was seconded by Kohanbani and carried unanimously.
• A motion by Kohanbani to deny Owner Thorpe (Condo Owner) for reimbursement of
towing charges. The motion was seconded by Kesick and carried unanimously.
The Board of Directors entered into executive session at 7:15 to confer with Association Counsel
(Dan Streich of Chadwick, Washington, Moriarty, Elmore & Bunn).
The Board of Directors entered back into open session at 8:45 p.m.
A motion by Kesick to sanction 45601 Whitcomb Square $50.00 each time the owner violates
the Parking Policy regarding vehicles parked in the driveway without property registration. The
sanctions will begin February 18, 2016 and will only be assessed if there is photo evidence of the
violation on any given day. The motion was seconded by Hall and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at: 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy A. Simonovich, SFMC, Inc.
Agent for Dominion Station HOA

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